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The Venetian Glass Masters.

In ancient splendor, our articles are guaranteed of artisan production by Venetian glass masters using the traditional techniques from Murano, Italy, but with the designs and expressions of today.

Describing his work, Luigi Cattelan says: "I am not an artist. I'm just someone who works with glass".
Born and raised in Murano (Venice) Italy, Luigi comes from a family of glass masters, dating as far back as the 15th century...continues... : 

Like the city of Venice, Murano comprises a cluster of small islands, connected by bridges.   Thas been the center of the glassmaking industry... continues...  

The craft of the glass master has something miraculous about it.   Using a simple iron rod, the master takes a blob in incandescent glass paste... continues...

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All the info you need to come to Murano in a comfortable way and have a nice day here.

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